Sunday 21 January 2007

Module 2 – Email


Website 2:

Annotation: (ACMA = Australian Communications and Media Authority)

The ‘’ website gives consumers an insight into email ‘spam’. The website details the legislation, codes of practice, obligations of the Internet Service Providers (Australian and International), prevention, solution, and how and where to report about spam.

The introduction page describes spam and the ‘Spam Act 2003’. The ‘More information about spam’ section of the page is a vast database on everything anyone needs to know about spam.

This website is useful in our NET11 studies because spam is ‘junk’ email. It is relevant that we understand the Australian laws relating to spam and how to combat it. We should also be aware that our ISP has to provide us with appropriate filters of spam.

The ‘ACMA’ website provides us with one of the best (I think) ‘consumer information’ and ‘business information’ brochures on spam. It is definitely worth reading for guidance.(PDF or RTF)

The ‘Other useful links’ section of the website has a very useful and extensive list of websites and contacts for Internet users.

The ACMA also provide software in the ‘SpamMATTERS’ section of the web page that can be used to help them fight spam (For Microsoft Outlook/Express)

The website is set up by the Australian Federal Government and the contents are reliable and relevant.

Summary and evaluation:This website is a great reference tool for anyone in Australia that receives emails and spam. It should be an important bookmark on any Internet browser. The ‘SpamMATTERS’ software should be part of NET11 software download to help students’ combat spam.

Reference: Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), Spam: The Introduction. Retrieved January 06, 2007, from,tlp=HOME Web site:

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